Monday, September 27, 2010

Into His Courts With Praise

The Lord is My Shepherd
(Psalm 23 from the perspective of a Child)

Jesus is my helper; he gives me all I need.

Jesus gives me a bed to sleep in at night.

He gives me enough water to drink and enough food to eat.

Jesus gave me my Mommy and my Daddy
He gave men all my Brothers and sisters, my dog and my cat, and all my aunts and uncles and grandparents who love me lots.

My Mommy and my Daddy always make sure I listen and obey
Just like Jesus asks me to.

My Mommy and Daddy are always there when I am afraid.
When bad things happen, they hold my hand and make me
Feel safe...and they pray...

Jesus is still my best friend when my friends are not being very nice to me. .

Jesus loves me when I am naughty and when I am nice. When I am tired and when I am awake.

I could never ask for anything more.

No matter what happens, I feel loved every day of the week. I know my Mommy and my Daddy love me. I know Jesus loves me.

I know Jesus will never leave me for the rest of my life. He loves me very, very much, and will love me forever and ever and ever.


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