Monday, December 13, 2010


I know it is not Christmas yet…though it is fast approaching. I am also aware of all the rules that prohibit me to say the famous and lovely “Merry Christmas”. And to be honest…I hate it. .

This Christmas is different for me. This Christmas I have a growing number of friends and acquaintances who not only are not Christians but really have no idea why Christmas even exists. It’s all fun and parties for them. Though it’s true that Christmas is a wonderful time to have parties and gatherings, to see friends and family and spend time with them, It just isn’t the reason for Christmas.

It is required of me to be respectful and remember all these religious holidays. To be respectful of other cultures and backgrounds. I have no problem with that, it is important to love one another and be considerate. But the thought I keep coming back to is this:  All the religions in this world are all highly respected and tolerated. They are all respected. All the religious holidays are respected…but then there is Christmas. Believe it or not it is a religious holiday. It is a Christian holiday. You are free to celebrate along with Christians but why does the true meaning of Christmas, the reason Christians celebrate, have to be so hidden and secretive. Really it is as easy as saying “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holidays” or “seasons greetings” I absolutely can not stand those two phrases.

Maybe it would be easier to understand why I feel so passionately about this subject if you truly had a basic understanding of why Christmas even exists. Maybe you do understand Christmas, but really , it’s a good reminder to us all. You see, it really isn’t about the presents, the cookies and milk, the shopping, and the santa clause. None of this really has anything to do with Christmas.

It’s not about Christmas trees, decorations and carolling, the lights and the big feast on the 25th of December. I admit, these things are nice, I enjoy them as much as you. But there is so much more to the story.

It’s about a baby. A baby that was born to a virgin girl. A baby who not only would grow up to be a mighty king…He was born a King; the King of Kings. A baby who was born in a barn and laid in a feeding trough due to every inn being full that night. A baby who grew up to teach his people, and heal them of their pain and disease. A baby who grew up only to be arrested and beaten and later slain on a cross though he did nothing to deserve it. A baby who after dying was laid in a tomb for three days that was heavily protected against potential thieves. A baby who, three days after dying, arose from his grave conquering death and coming back to life.

This baby I speak of is my Saviour Jesus Christ. He is the reason for this Holiday. He is the reason we even get a day off near the end of the year, the reason Christmas was even created. Because with out Jesus, with out my God we would all be dead! We would all be completely doomed! Jesus came to earth as a little baby, so that we all, whom he loves so very much, may have the choice to follow him.

My God has so much grace and love for me. More than I have ever deserved. That is the gift I celebrate having received at my Christmas time. The gift of grace. It’s a gift that is under every Christmas tree every year. In fact it is a gift that is always available no matter what time of year it is. It’s a gift from God to us. 


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