Thursday, December 2, 2010

Seven Days

On the first day God said,
“Let there be light”
And the light that he made was ever so bright
The light he called day
And the dark he called night
And so it was made to God’s delight!
God looked at it all
With a smile on His face
For He was pleased with it all
All that He had just made

On the second day God said,
“Let there be space between the water and the sky,
So the light has place to roam up so high,
And let there be water to cool the planet,
To bring refreshing and beauty so extravagant”
And it was so as God declared!
God looked at it all
With a smile on His face
For He was pleased with it all
All that He had just made

On the third day God said,
“Let there be land
Let there be soil and mud,
And rocks and sand,
Let there be trees
And plants and leaves,
Let the flowers grow and colour
The earth beneath”
And it was so, all that God dreamed!
God looked at it all
With a smile on His face
For He was pleased with it all
All that He had just made

On the fourth day God said,
“Let there be lights in the sky,
Let there be a sun that shines so bright during the day,
And let it bring heat to the chilliest of days
Let there be a moon to light the night,
When darkness covers the earth so tight,
And let billions of stars twinkle like diamonds so pretty”
And it was all so as God exclaimed!
God looked at it all
With a smile on his face
For He was pleased with it all
All that He had just made

On the fifth day God said,
“Let the sky be filled with birds,
Let each winged creature soar undisturbed
And let the sea be filled with movement so swift,
Of dolphins and sharks and whales and crabs,
Let each creature in the sea swim and roam freely”
And it was all so as God gave his command!
God looked at it all
With a smile on his face
For He was pleased with it all
All that He had just made

On the sixth day God said,
“Let there be life to roam the land
So quiet and still,
Let there be movement
Running, prancing, with noises so rare,
I want to see my creation enjoyed,”
God made it clear
Tigers, elephants, puppies, and snakes,
“Each creature will be special and have different traits,
I want creativity to cover the earth,
Let there be diversity among each living creature”

“And let there be humans
Made in our own image,
Let them rule the earth
And have dominion of it
Let them do so together
With each other and with us”
And it was all so as God made it known!
God looked at it all
Each creature with love
For He was pleased with it all
As he watched from above

On the seventh day
God examined the beauty he had created,
He watched each animal and spoke with Adam
It was this day he rested after all he had done,
This day he made Holy and from then on
And it was all so, for the last time God declared!
God looked at it all
With a smile on His face
For He was pleased with it all
All that He had just made

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